Thursday, April 3, 2014

What gets in the way of your school success.

This  is my second post to blogger and this post about doing same work at home and school. Having  a lot of homework gets in my way to success in school. To have homework every day makes the peron tired and don't want  to come to school. As well as do work in school and then go home do the same work at home. For example, teacher don't  want student to use their phone or put their head down in class, so students also don't want do work at home because they want to have fun at home not do work for school. Home is the time for students to use their phones or put their head down and do whatever they want time. I am not sure why teachers don't understand that home is for relax and school for work. I am sure students will succeeds if they do work only at school and home is for parents. It become clear that the my picture is about remembering what we have homework for to night. Students with a lot of homwork then they will used this agenda to wrote every work they will have to do for homework. 


  1. Good job Aseel ,it is nice to have you as my friend in school . This year was a good year bcs i meet you *--*
