Friday, April 18, 2014

What is the purpose of home ( after high school )

Sometimes when parents give an advice, they want all the best and they want us to have better future. I like my parents when they tell me about their past and how they are sad because they don't have a good education or future. So when they told me stories about school I feel I have to get good education to make my parents happy. Also I thanks god for all those good school in America. Now I want just think about future, but sometimes my family think about marriage and I feel like I'm not going to finish college and think about marriage at age 18. As you see when they told me about school and they give me an advice about finishing school and collage I feel like I have to do it for them, but when they think about marriage I feel I will lose my future. I am sure finish collage will make them happy and also I am sure I will be against them with marriage. Now all about my future and having a better education then my parents does.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What helps you success at home?

Music help me success at home. When I do my homework I love to listen to music even in school because music make me focus on the work in my hand. Also music make me comfortable about the work I do. Always when I am at home I open music and make them very loud and then start to do some or and some dance and go back to work. So that make me stay on internet until I finish all the homework I will not left any homework behind. If there is no music then I just left the homework behind and don't do it because it get really bored of don't homework and also get annoyed. As you see that the picture shows my music I listen too when I do my work. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What gets in your way to success at home ؟

There are many thing that get in my way, but the special one that get in my way to success is Facebook . I spend all my time on Facebook and don't do homework. So if I spend all my time on Facebook then my grade will declined . I will have bad grades if I don't I don't do work. Even in school I will attention to my phone and Facebook more than a teacher because I focus on new post, comment, and texting more than give full attention to the teacher and learn something new for my future. I am sure that I need to pay attention to the teacher because If I didn't past then Facebook can't help me out with my education. I thinks my education is much better than Facebook because my education can help me out founding jobs, but Facebook I am sure will not help me found a job or give me a report card. I hope my brain will understand that Facebook not good idea during school and don't think about Facebook. I don't like my brain when it thinking about taxing someone or open Facebook to change the profile pic. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What helps you succeed in school ?

Friends and sports helps me succeed in school ! Have a lot of fun with a friend that  make me safe and succeed because if you bored every day and never laugh then you going to be unsafe and you will feel no one likes you even teachers. Then friends can help me out with many thing as  we'll homework, work I don't understand or a friend can help me with feeling better like when I am sad then she/he can take to me and give me device and then I feel better to have her/ him. Also I love sport ! I used to be a soccer player , but my family didn't let me play because I can't stay after school. I diced to be a soccer player next year because I really like soccer and I love any one that play soccer. Also I feel vey comfortable when some one talk about soccer. I feel more better when I play soccer with friends. Yesterday  I have a lot of fun with my family when we was played soccer. Those pictures shows the  soccer field out side of school. And there is picture for a friend . 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

What gets in the way of your school success.

This  is my second post to blogger and this post about doing same work at home and school. Having  a lot of homework gets in my way to success in school. To have homework every day makes the peron tired and don't want  to come to school. As well as do work in school and then go home do the same work at home. For example, teacher don't  want student to use their phone or put their head down in class, so students also don't want do work at home because they want to have fun at home not do work for school. Home is the time for students to use their phones or put their head down and do whatever they want time. I am not sure why teachers don't understand that home is for relax and school for work. I am sure students will succeeds if they do work only at school and home is for parents. It become clear that the my picture is about remembering what we have homework for to night. Students with a lot of homwork then they will used this agenda to wrote every work they will have to do for homework. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What is the purpose of school ?

 What makes me happy and come to school every day is that the students  because they help each other.  I figure out how the students have a kind heart that love the person even if they don't know it. That picture shows how all the students are sad about the died person in our school. Almost every one in our school wrote to the person that died. So that shows every one have a nice heart that love every one. When school start I wasn't know where I have to go so in that time I meet many students that helps me to find my way to class. After time I see the same students and become friend with me. Now I have a lot friends that makes me happy in school. When some one is sad or upset about some thing then other students will comfortable them with their sadness. As you see that I am happy to being in this school because every one supporting other :) .